Emily Holding


About Emily

Real Estate is a “people” business and Emily’s 15 years in the business have taught her to listen to her clients. She has a great ability to understand immediately exactly what they are truly looking for, and how it relates to their particular place in life. This talent comes from a general love of meeting and working with people.

Real estate transactions can be stressful and that is why it is important to have an experienced agent to guide you through the process. Emily has been involved in the buying and selling of homes, condo’s, and land (both development and equestrian). She has been in easy closings and difficult ones; her goal in both is to be a calming presence to get it done.

Emily consistently goes above and beyond for her clients. She is energetic and knowledgeable not only about real estate but about the community she serves. Her commitment is so appreciated that many of her clients end up becoming friends. In fact, her very first client became such a long-term friend that they acted as the minister at her wedding.

Emily has been married to Eric for 11 years and has a lovely daughter Lily. She is very active in her support of her community, both with her time and financially. She donates a portion of her commission to support local groups.